My work
A game of Battleship where you play against the computer. I used TDD (Test Driven Development) to create the game in JavaScript. The player needs to drag and drop their ships on to their gameboard and the computer has a higher IQ than average. Can you beat the computer?
Weather app
An app to give you the weather forecast anywhere in the world. I used JavaScript promises with async and await. The weather forecast includes options for hourly, 7 days and 15 days. It also has the humidity level - whch I find super useful living in the Pays Basque!
Task list
A task list with options for multiple project lists. I used SOLID principles to organise the project and webpack to bundle the files. Tasks can include a title, description, notes, date, time and priority. Projects can be set to different color schemes and tasks moved between them.
A book shelf with key information about different books. I used various JavaScript functions and classes. Books can be added through a form, and must include a title, author, genre, page count, and whether the book's been read. Do you have a book to add?
Admin dashboard
A full dashboard design using CSS Grid. I used Emmet to write HTML and CSS - it was so quick and easy! I included a wide variety of CSS properties, functions, selectors and pseudo-classes to ensure the best possible design. Which story would you like to read?
A calculator to work out how valuable I could be for your company. I used HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create, design and ensure the functionality of the calculator. You can use floating point numbers, undo your last input and choose between using a keyboard or mouse.